
Susy使用了一种速记语法,这样很容易地向函数(function)和混合(mixin)传递任意数量的设置. This allows the syntax to stay simple and readable for the majority of use cases, and only add complexity if/when you really need it.

// 生成一个宽度为80em的容器
@include container(80em);

// Span 3 of 12 columns
@include span(3 of 12);

// Setup the 960 Grid System
@include layout(12 (60px 20px) split static);

// Span 3 isolated columns in a complex, asymmetrical grid, without gutters
@include span(isolate 3 at 2 of (1 2 3 4 3 2 1) no-gutters);



Shorthand:$span $grid $keywords;
A span can be any length, or (in some cases) a unitless number representing columns to be spanned. The specifics change depending on the function or mixin where it is being passed. Some mixins even allow multiple spans, using the standard CSS TRBL <top right bottom left> syntax.

The grid is composed of a Columns setting, and optional settings for Gutters and Column Width. It looks something like this:

// 12-column grid
$grid: 12;

// 12-column grid with 1/3 gutter ratio
$grid: 12 1/3;

// 12-column grid with 60px columns and 10px gutters
$grid: 12 (60px 10px);

// asymmetrical grid with .25 gutter ratio
$grid: (1 2 3 2 1) .25;

The keywords are the easiest. Most settings have simple keyword values that can be included in any order — before, after, or between the span and grid options.

// All the keywords in Susy:

$global-keywords: (
  container            : auto,
  math                 : static fluid,
  output               : isolate float,
  container-position   : left center right,
  flow                 : ltr rtl,
  gutter-position      : before after split inside inside-static,
  debug: (
    image              : show hide show-columns show-baseline,
    output             : background overlay,

$local-keywords: (
  box-sizing           : border-box content-box,
  edge                 : first alpha last omega,
  spread               : narrow wide wider,
  gutter-override      : no-gutters no-gutter,
  clear                : break nobreak,
  role                 : nest,

The global keywords can be used anywhere, and apply to global default settings. The local keywords are specific to each individual use.


The simplest shorthand variation is used for defining your layout in broad terms.

Pattern:<grid> <keywords>

Nothing here is required — all the settings are optional and have global defaults. grid and keyword settings work exactly as advertised.

// grid: (columns: 4, gutters: 1/4, column-width: 4em);
// keywords: (math: fluid, gutter-position: inside-static, flow: rtl);
$small: 4 (4em 1em) fluid inside-static rtl;

You can easily convert layouts from shorthand to map syntax using the 布局 function.


Most of Susy’s functions & mixins are used to calculate or set a width, or span.

Pattern:<span> at <location> of <layout>

Most spans in Susy are either a unitless number (representing columns) or an explicit width. Some of them also require a location (particularly for asymmetrical grids and isolation).

The standard span syntax looks like this:

// Pattern:
$span: $span at $location of $layout;

// span: 3;
// location: 4;
// layout: (columns: 12, gutters: .25, math: fluid)
$span: 3 at 4 of 12 .25 fluid;

// Only $span is required in most cases
$span: 30%;

The “at” flag comes immediately before the location (unless the location itself is a keyword), and everything after the “of” flag is treated as part of the layout.

Some mixins accept multiple spans, using the common CSS “top right bottom left” (TRBL) pattern, or have other specific options. Those are all documented as part of the function/mixin details.

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